From Friday to Wednesday, players can explore the fantastical MMORPG ArcheAge: Unchained free of charge and can look forward to generous discounts.
In the world of ArcheAge, players can forge their own path to greatness. With the voucher code “SUMMERTRIAL”, ArcheAge: Unchained will be available for free on Glyph and Steam starting Friday at 4 p.m. CEST. Players interested in continuing their adventure after the free weekend can purchase the game at any time, while retaining their progress and titles. For a limited period of time, they will enjoy generous discounts. Until September 7, the Silver Pack is available for $15.99, Gold for $29.99 and the Archeum Pack for $39.99.
Skill alone determines the players’ success in ArcheAge’s global PvP battles which they can engage in solo or together with their friends.
More information about ArcheAge: Unchained can be found on the official website.